Bilos site (France)
The Bilos site is located at Salles, in the Landes forest, 50 Km south west of Bordeaux, France. The site is a managed Pine forest plantation at an elevation of 39.18 m above sea level. The soil is a sandy acidic hydromorphic podzol with a discontinuous layer of iron hard pan at a 75 cm depth that limits root extension. The climate is temperate with a maritime influence. The mean annual temperature and precipitation are respectively 12.9 °C and 960.1 mm, while the Mean Annual Radiation is 140.9 Wm-2 . Measurements of turbulent fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat, and CO2 at this site have been made using the eddy covariance technique since 2000.
This site is part of the European ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) Ecosystem infrastructure. All meteorological data are monitored at 15 m above ground level, from a mast located at the centre of the site. Wind speed and direction measurements are performed with a 2D sonic anemometer (Windsonic 1, Campbell scientific). A pyranometer (CNR4, Campbell scientific) allows to measure solar radiation. Temperature and relative humidity (RH) were recorded with a thermo-hygrometer (HMP 155, VAISALA HUMICAP). To measure precipitation levels, a rain gauge is used on the site in a way that no trees can influence rain measurements. Fluxes of momentum, sensible heat, water vapour and CO2 are measured thanks to the Eddy-covariance technique. Data are available here.